I decided to make another fursona for myself, one who would represent the best part of me, the kind that loves and cares about people.

Sakah is a superhero dragon, his name is derived from the Sanskrit word for healer which is chikitsakah


  • His primary super power is the ability to heal anyone physically or emotionally. This is done through his own loving energy which takes a toll on him emotionally/physically. Such weight can make him need to cry which may cause others to (falsely) perceive him to be weak. The more connected he is to someone, the more he can help them. Someone could hypothetically deny him the ability to help them, though I’m not sure why someone would want to do that.
    • Usually the means he heals is by affection, hugs or even more intimate with the right people. A closer connection makes it easier to heal someone, though it’s possible but less efficient over a short distance
  • Project forcefields to defend while he heals. These are powered by the gemstone on his chest, and usually form a bubble big enough around him to ensure the safety of at least 1 other being (since most are smaller than a dragon). They can be extended at the cost of additional energy. The shields are typically not penetrable unless the attack is aligned to Sakah’s own energy.
    • The shield could be projected around someone or something instead but that would reduce his own defenses, but it could be useful in an emergency…
  • He can enhance the existing powers of an ally by using his healing powers to overload their abilities. It lasts for a limited time until the energy sustaining the enhancement wears off. This includes increasing size, strength, etc. He could use this on himself, but he would only make himself big if a distraction was needed.
  • Gems on his bracers can shoot a “stun” beam. Its not effective on all lifeforms (due to differences in their nervous systems) but can safely incapacitate.

Natural Draconic Abilities:

  • His breath weapon is a hypnotic/sleep gas. Sometimes people just need to be sedated. I’d suspect this would be ineffective on psychically enhanced beings.
  • Natural ability to fly with dragon wings. The wings themselves can act as a shield if forcefields are unavailable/too low on energy.
  • Dragons can maintain battlefield communication with the use of limited telepathy to send short messages to people.
  • Draconic (super) strength. Claws and a thick tail can be used to quite the effect in hand-to-hand combat.
  • Dragon scales are tough and might be bulletproof to the exterior it still hurts like hell underneath to get shot.


  • He doesn’t have much in terms of special offensive capability. His breath weapon can do some crowd control, and his draconic strength makes him a decent fighter in hand to hand combat.
  • He can be manipulated as he’s a sympathetic kind soul, and longs to connect with someone special.
  • Healing is limited to the amount of energy he has. No energy = no heals and no defenses. The more he heals the more it takes a toll on him emotionally.
    • He often times doesn’t know when to quit when it comes to healing someone and can easily overexert himself

Personality: A slight cliché on a heroic personality, acting supportive and loving, but he does have a silly streak to him. He doesn’t take situations seriously but will be fiercely protective of someone who needs his help.

I would classify him as being on the Good spectrum. A healer might lean him towards lawful, but being silly and fun pulls him back towards chaotic.

Energy Management: WIP. That gem on his chest stores energy from nature (or other sources) and gradually regenerates over time. This is usually utilized to power his defensive shielding but could be used in other ways. The brightness of the gem indicates the amount of remaining power, and the shields will fail when the stone dims completely. Energizing the shields consumes power so they’re usually not up unless trouble is anticipated.

An Icon of Sakah by my good friend Gold-in-Eye. Besides art, he also runs a jewelry shop!

Physical Appearance

  • Approx Height is 7’ for anthro form. Could scale up to 12’ for a big anthro form.
  • Orange scales and orange wings, with a lighter colored underbelly.
  • Bright teal/blue eyes
  • Overall friendly and heroic looking visage
  • short slightly spiky brown hair parted to the right. It extends down back in a mane to wing/shoulders. brown eyebrows
  • boopable dragon/scaley appropriate snoot
  • 2 main silver colored horns, with 3 smaller side horn/ridges on each side of head
  • minimal facial hair on chin and sides of jaw, same brown as head hair
  • Build is shaped like a tank or defender. Sizeable pecs, biceps, thighs, and broad shoulders/chest. Abs look like a solid wall, he can give and take punches all day.
  • Wings are not dainty, they’re thick and defensible. The initial wing structure coming off the back should have an almost bicep like musculature to it (it there a word for this?? wingceps?). Considering he regularly carries people around the wings should be appropriately sized to carry his own titanic body as well as at least 2 passengers.
  • Tail is thick like the rest of the body, and has spinies down to the tip. It functions as another appendage which he can whack someone with. Bottom side of the tail features the same underbelly scales as his chest/abs have.

Designer’s Notes:

Overall I’ve had a wonderful time designing Sakah. He’s the first character I’ve actually put a lot of thought into making specifications, especially compared to my fennec which I’ve always just improvised around a generic concept.
I decided to take the weak helpless healer trope and turn it upside down. Sakah is a total hunk, but instead of being an offensive powerhouse, his abilities are almost entirely defensive. He protects and cares for people instead of attacking the enemy.

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